Elemental logistics corporation

Global logistics consultancy services

Save up to 90% on the cost of transporting your goods by consulting with us throughout the logistics process.

International freight transport

Warehousing and Distribution

Audit and trading

Brand Representation

We are guaranteed by:

The World Organization of Cities and Logistics Platforms (OMCPL)

Our services are governed by criteria of transparency, ethics, and values as standards of fair trade. We are committed to adhering to the 4 Principles of Fair Logistics as defined by OMCPL for our operations:

01 – Costing transparency
02 – Continuous improvement of logistics routes
03 – Improvement of environmental aspects
04 – SME support

Fair Logistics Certification (Fair Logistics)

Consulting services designed exclusively for your business are the start of your business success.

  • We want you to stay with us and become part of our family.
  • We want to strengthen the relationship, and we want it to be long-term.
  • We want to offer you not only a logistics service but also connectivity.

Our services

Take a look at what we have to offer

Logistics Consultancy in different areas
  1. International trade.
  2. Warehousing and distribution in logistics hubs in Latin America.
  3. International freight forwarding and logistics.
  4. International markets: Do you know where to sell your product?
  5. We provide specific information to ensure your product is in the right market. All based on metrics.
Brand representation

We want to see you grow and grow with you, that's why we represent your brand in Latin America and Europe, thanks to our trained people focused on achieving exceptional results.

Now you can afford a service that gives you first-hand information, security, and lower transport costs. And that is exactly what our customers are saying.

Audit and trading

We source products for your business in China and audit the factories from which you wish to import to avoid any fraud. In other words, we take care of your business from the start.


"Placing our trust in Elemental has allowed us to access the Spanish market, with positive results in the commercialization of our pineapples".

Eliezer D.

"With Elemental Logistics we have felt supported, accompanied and well advised in all our logistics, you can see the passion they have for their work no matter what day of the week it is or if we have queries after hours, they really are: 24/7-365."

Said G.

"We requested consulting with Elemental, and we were surprised by the information they provided us that we had not previously considered. Now the internationalization of our products reaches the market that corresponds to it."

Angélica C.


From Spain, we offer you the best brands on the market.

We only work with leading brands to ensure your satisfaction with all your purchases.

News & Updates

Our Experiences

Fruit Attraction Madrid – Spain 2022

We are where our customers need us to be. Elemental present at @feriafruitattraction accompanying @capitanpina_pty with the organization of @propanama.gob supporting Panamanian exportable products. We believe that Panama has a lot to show the world, and we like to be...

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Elemental Logistics Corporation

Office Address

Av. Ricardo J Alfaro Edif Dorado City Center piso 3 oficina 301. Panamá, Rep. De Panamá





Office Hours

24/ 7 / 365

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As you can see, you can rest assured that everything you need to succeed when importing or exporting is provided by ELEMENTAL. We are your business partner, that confidant who listens to you, understands you and structures solutions according to your requirements.