
This is the beginning of your company’s journey to different parts of the world.

Transportation, warehousing and distribution logistics consulting for small and large companies.

This is how can we guide you:

We use all the advantages that make us stand out: honesty, transparency, professionalism, and speed of response. We offer you:

Imagine the silk route back before Christ, at the time of Alexander the Great. This trade represented the main connection between East and West: it connected China with Europe. It was a very successful trade, but it would have prospered even more if they had known the logistics strategies that we implement today at ELEMENTAL.

Those merchants made history because thanks to them, thousands of products moved from one point to another and in addition to growing their businesses they contributed to the culture of many cities and towns.

And so do you with every product you import or export: you grow and get richer.

Peace of mind

We assist you in all the steps of the logistics process.


We audit factories in China to avoid fraud with your products.


We offer safe warehouse storage.

All our experience at your disposal

Over 16 years of experience

We know that the economy moves the world, and that is why we are part of that movement: we create routes that will help you mobilize and transport your merchandise from point A to point B.

I’m going to ask you a very simple question: Can you prevent your company from getting stuck because you don’t know how to ship or receive products?

We offer all of these options to beat this problem:

We take care of your business from the beginning

Audit and trading

We look for products for your business in China, and we audit their factories to avoid any kind of fraud. In other words, we take care of your business from the beginning till the end.


Logistics Consulting in Different Areas

  1. International Trade.
  2. Warehousing and Distribution in Logistics Hubs in Latin America.
  3. International Freight Transportation and Logistics.
  4. International Markets: Do you know where you can sell your product? We provide you with specific information so that your product is in the market that corresponds to it. All based on metrics.

Grow without limits

Brands Representations

We want to see you grow, that is why we represent your brand in Latin America and Europe. We have trained personnel focused on results, and we can achieve extraordinary results.

Steps to reach your international goal

Can't find what you're looking for? No problem, contact us, and we'll find it for you.


You contact us with your consultation.


We analyze your problem and get in touch with you.


We elaborate a proposal that best suits your company's needs.


"Placing our trust in Elemental has allowed us to access the Spanish market, with positive results in the commercialization of our pineapples".

Eliezer D.

"With Elemental Logistics we have felt supported, accompanied and well advised in all our logistics, you can see the passion they have for their work no matter what day of the week it is or if we have queries after hours, they really are: 24/7-365."

Said G.

"We requested consulting with Elemental, and we were surprised by the information they provided us that we had not previously considered. Now the internationalization of our products reaches the market that corresponds to it."

Angélica C.

Elemental Logistics Corporation

Office Address

Av. Ricardo J Alfaro Edif Dorado City Center piso 3 oficina 301. Panamá, Rep. De Panamá





Office Hours

24/ 7 / 365

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As you can see, you can rest assured that everything you need to succeed when importing or exporting is provided by ELEMENTAL. We are your business partner, that confidant who listens to you, understands you and structures solutions according to your requirements.